Monday, December 13, 2010

Sorta bummed

Dear Baby,

This morning we went to the hospital in attempt to get you turned from breech to vertex.  This procedure is called an external version.  Unfortunately, the process was unsuccessful.  As it turns out, you are sitting so low in my uterus, that your little feet and butt are stuck under my pelvis.  In other words, you ain't budgin'!

To be honest, sweet boy, I'm a bit disappointed.  What this means is that I have to have cesarean section (surgery) in order to deliver you.  I really wanted to go through natural child birth instead.  I know it's not the end of the world for me, and this is the absolute safest option for you, so there is no question that I will do it, and willingly... but it still doesn't change the fact that I wish it could have been different.

Requiring a c-section with my history of fast and early labor is also a little nerve-wracking.  We have scheduled a planned c-section for December 30th, when I'm 39 weeks, but I would be surprised if you last that long.  What is more likely to happen is that I will go into labor and have to rush off to the hospital for an emergency c-section.  This reality stresses me out a little, but I am trying to prepare myself for the unexpected.

I'm sorry I won't get to hold you the moment you enter the world, little one.  That is unfortunately one of the stipulations of undergoing a c-section.  But I still cannot wait to meet you, hold you, and cuddle you, and I am at least grateful that I now know what to anticipate for your arrival.

Ready for anything...

36 weeks


  1. I love reading your thoughts to your baby. I am sure it is difficult to swallow the reality of a C-section. I know it was for me. I am glad that you are thinking it through and working on accepting it though. I think that will bode well for you AFTER you have the baby. My favorite quote lately is "prepared to be surprised". Isn't that just the truth? I'll be praying for you.

  2. If you do make it, you should change the c-section to the 31st so it can be on my birthday!
